Thanks SF for posting the link in the previous blog to my Rock 101 interview from last week. If anyone wants to check it out the link is,
If that doesn't work go to the last blog and use SF's link.
Self Sabotage... know what it means? Have you ever watched someone you loved or knew enter into this arena? It can be very frustrating and certainly upsetting. Especially when that person isn't really looking at the big picture and is essentially going about this self destuctive business with little or no regard to how they are affecting so many people around them. They are so blinded by this self-absorbed perspective on things that they fail to see the potentially serious damage that they are creating all around them and are driven by this distorted reality that somehow gives them the right to justify their actions simply because all they are aware of is, apparently, their own personal agenda. I have been there. Without exception, it always ends badly my friends.
Ok, how about this then. There are two things that can greatly affect a schooner. Those two being the sail and the anchor. Both do very different things but are similair when measuring the size of the effect that they create. However, one obviously propels us forward and exhilarates us with it's positive G forces while conversely, the other stops us and creates a static situation that is fine if your intention is to go nowhere and remain exactly where you are or, perhaps, sink.
We constantly need to take stock of our lives and celebrate all the good things that we have everyday and appreciate that it doesn't last forever. Don't take things for granted kids, all too soon they are gone, never to return.
What I am saying is cherish today, make peace with yourself and know that you matter to somebody, perhaps lots of people. Don't let this golden opportunity slip away. We only have one life to live and until there is hard evidence to the contrary, the greatest waste of all is the wasting of time. Anything else can be returned or paid back except time. It moves at it's own relentless pace and waits for no one to catch up. Live well and live authentically my friends. I have already wasted a lot of my younger life and now try to live each day to the fullest extent possible. I am not perfect but I am present as in right here, right now and I'm ready to go. So, are you in or out? Rock on...J.