Friday, April 24, 2009

Jeff Friday Apr 24/09

Hey Kids,
Just a quick note to say hi. I am still out here and sorry for not posting for a few weeks. I am flat out with producing/editing and also doing some work that is outside of the music domain (house reno's.Come on, you know, Mike Holmes... "This wiring is complete shite!" Does that guy actually drink Maxwell House coffee?) currently and I will get back to you and catch up as soon as I get an hour to myself. Hope you are all good out there. We are busy setting up the summer touring schedule and my agent is busting his hump for us which is really good. Isn't it great to know someone has your back when you need it.? I think people don't always remember that (personally guilty of that). Don't take anyone's kindness and help for granted. You won't appreciate how good things were until they're gone. Blah, blah...Ok, enough hackneyed sentiment for now. I gotta go. Have a great weekend and I'll catch up with you next week...Rock on.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jeff Wednesday Apr. 01/09

Well, the Gods have played a very funny April Fools joke out here on the Westcoast and decided to try and make us believe it was January again. You know, I almost fell for it too. I mean, if you looked outside and watched the snow coming down and the felt the way that cold and dampness dug into you... LET'S JUST SAY, it's hard to believe that it's springtime. Perhaps my calendar is fast...
Ok, I just looked at the weather forecast and it'll be 15 and sunny on the weekend so all is normal again. Whew... thought I was back in Winnipeg. LMAO Jake!!!! Come on, you know, what God challenges you with weather wise He/She makes up for it with the quality of people who live there and the friendships made. That's why there are so many great musicians that come from the Peg. It's too freakin' cold to go outside for at least half the year so everybody stays inside and practices all day. That's why we have such a great band. You guys (particularly you, Tim) practice all day, everyday. Bless you for that. Personally I have a tee time for tomorrow so I'll be sorta practicing as well (yeah that's right, my short Ok, seriously, you know me and you know I'll be playing my guitar several hours everyday. I could never show up to a gig unprepared and besides, it's just so much more fun to play when you know what you are doing. That's actually a good thought for anything that you do. Make the effort and life just seems to roll along with a little more freedom of movement. Stay fit and you never get injured, stay well rehearsed and you never embarrass yourself or your bandmates or the worst case scenario, irreparably damage your career and professionally slewfoot your partners... BTW, it's not an issue for me. I have far too much respect for my bro's and our fans at this point in my life. It's all very much worth the effort. Let's face it, if you can't motivate yourself to consistantly be as good as you can be at what you do, without hesitation, then what the f#*k are you doing? Wasting your precious time I'd say. If you need to find inspiration then identify the things that are of irreplacable value to you. I was communicating with a friend earlier today about that and how her deep love for her family and the awareness of that love has inspired her to make changes in her life for the better. So, find your focus or horizon to guide you or just simply remember that the greatest potential catalyst to effect personal change in yourself may very well be to not compromise, hurt or disappoint the ones you love and cherish... 
Sorry, I've been experimenting with this kickass new Espresso blend and it's kinda like high octane rocket fuel. It seems to have bolstered my already passionate perspective on life in case you hadn't noticed... lol. However, I make no apologies for that. My passion is my guide. I am aware of all the good things in my life including family, friends and music and I have a deep love and appreciation for it all. I lose my way from time to time but I usually see the lighthouse (or at least hear the bell) well before I crash into the rocks now. That's what my parents call experience I guess...
They say that courage is not the absence of fear but moving foward in spite of that fear. To all my friends and loved ones stepping up and facing their fears, you have my absolute respect and you are truly an inspiration to me everyday... Peace Out. J.