I just got off the phone after my usual Sunday morning call back to Ontario to my folks which at this point in life I am so grateful for since many of my friends have lost a parent or both and they don't have that simple luxury.My Mom and Dad are in good health in general and I am grateful for that.I am thankful that I have a good relationship with them.Love your parents and TELL THEM you love them before it's too late because one day you won't have that option and I have seen too many of my friends with this heap of unresolved issues that just seems to add extra and unnecessary weight to their lives.As a matter of fact let everybody that you know or care about that they matter to you.Don't hold back,especially when it's good.Throw it out there as much as you can and I guarantee you will live a happier,more serene life.I have learned to appreciate all that I have much more now and I enjoy all the moments as they happen.It's why I am always having fun at our shows.I know that it doesn't last forever but being in the moment and really taking in what is happening creates this long lasting memory.In the end that is what we are left with so make it good.Listen to people and learn.Listen to the ones who are sorry, who wish they would have"done things differently"...life is a one way street moving forward for us all and there is no redo so get it as close as you can as it flies by my friends.I hope that many years from now I will look back on this forthcoming year and remember the great times I had doing what I loved and how blessed my life has been.That is why when you see me this year I will be playing and living my life to the absolute fullest and jamming in as much experience and living as I can into each minute.It is why I am always so happy to see all of you everytime. There is so much turmoil out there and I want to be one of the people who does their bit to alleviate some of that accumulated stress in the world.I watch the news and it all seems dire to the point of terror but in fact we need to arm ourselves with the truth,get a grasp on our own reality and go about the business of contributing to our world fearlessly,without an agenda other than to bring,as the great Bob Marley said,positive vibrations.OK,we're allowed be grumpy too from time to time,just don't hold others to blame during that temporary unhappiness.
Yeah,let's answer some of your questions.Miss Barb you were wondering how bands promote themselves nowadays?I assume you are talking about bands that have been established here so...They do what we do which is tour and they find ways to actually connect with their fans so they get a true perspective of where they are at.You build and grow relationships within your industry, you acknowledge all contributions and surround your business with integrity and excellence.There is no way to" insure" that your music is heard on the radio but you can always improve your chances by showing respect and appreciation for the many people that you meet and ultimately need in order to get that radio exposure and reconnect with the true fans and as you say,hopefully reach some new ones along the way.
Walt was asking about managing in todays world.That is a very good question and there is a lot of dialog here but I'll touch on it a bit.We basically take care of ourselves and like most people have always had that ability but when we were younger couldn't be bothered...is this sounding like the familiar path of youth?Well,after years of allowing people and situations to get the better of me I,for once and for all said f**k it,I can do a better job than these criminals as long as I don't fear the work which I don't,I have a vision,am very motivated and I've had enough of other peoples bulls**t ideas of how to do things which never seem to work out other than as some late night booze fueled ranting.You gotta be there at 7:45am Monday morning bro'.My negative experiences always show me clearly what NOT to do.I also have certain people that inspire and motivate me.The ones I love of course and the men and women in my industry that I respect and consult with.I also draw from our fans.They always have the clearest knowledge of what they want and would like.Know this,I need you to say whatever you want to me be it good or bad anytime as I welcome it all.So,never stop helping me out here.I'm always open.This is too involved for just one post so more at another time...
Hey,Thanks Mariha to you and your Mom for the photos again.I hope to post some on our site when I get together with my web guy in March(he's in Winnipeg).
Finally,hi Spunky!Thank you for the inspiring words.I am glad that we can make your day better when you need it.I know how life can be.You are not alone.We all got stuff and I play the music I love when I need to get to a better place.I'm honored that we can be that remedy for you.I look forward to seeing you and your daughter in Red Deer in July and yes it is nice to be able to play family venues from time to time.We get lots of kids out at our shows when we do and they always have a great time and I love their energy and enthusism for life.Makes you feel like you'll live forever,sorta like this post...Thats it kids.I'm going for breakfast.Have a great week and we'll talk later...J.