Thursday, February 14, 2008

Jeff Thursday Feb.14/08

Happy Valentines Day(Hey guys,don't forget your sweethearts or you'll pay dearly!lol)
I have been following this Roger Clemens/steroid,performance enhancement drug story a bit that pretty much involves many more people than the story even you think The Rocket took steroids?...uhh,he does look kinda bigger(maybe he's a shape shifter) and he has been hangin' out with that Barry Bonds guy a little more lately.Anyways,what a bunch of crap. Of course they're on drugs.I mean,come on... how arrogant of those atheletes to think that it doesn't obviously show...what?do you think we just fell off the turnip truck?
Anyways,it got me to thinking,in an offbeat kinda way...what if they did retroactive mandatory drug testing in rock and roll,maybe a commitee headed by say...Keith Richards?Now THAT'S funny.Imagine if they took away all the gold and platinum records and Hall of Fame eligibiliy, Grammies,etc. if you were on drugs during the time you made those records?That hall would be a dark,empty place except for maybe...The Osmonds(no,I take that back.I'm sure they were whacked on some family doctor endorsed diet pills or doesn't the sports industry just accept the rock and roll philosophy.It's your body and your life.If you choose to abuse yourself with booze and drugs in excess go right ahead,just as long as you can make the gig!I,of course,have my tongue firmly planted in my cheek here.Excess doesn't work kids.I've seen the down side and it's final sad destination.The truth is,there are probably less drugs in rock(if you're over 25)than in sports today.We're just not hypocritical enough to be falsely outraged(they did what!!!)when we find out our heroes were totally fried whilst creating their musical masterpieces to the point,in some cases,with little or no memory left of the event.I, however,remember every single thing that I have ever done...which in itself isn't always good. There are some things/people I'd pay big money to forget!,just some bent thoughts acting as light relief for today.It just seems to be an inordinate amount of taxpayers money spent covering a story about a few jacked up arrogant,multi-billion dollar baseball players who just happen to be cheaters and liars and worst of all think we don't see.Money doesn't make you smart.Oh yeah,just so know,I'll be having a shot of scotch before the show tomorrow and most likely 1 or 2 beers during the performance,which I am sure will be less than anybody else in the audience... lol.See you soon and HEY!,don't drink and drive ok?Later...J.


Electroman said...

I have to agree with you Jeff. I really don't understand why those dudes in sports think we are blind. It is so obvious.

I have seen many people become a so called victim of both liquid and other mind numbing substances, and it is not a pretty sight. Yet, it is self inflicted. Moderation in everything is key. Of course the exception to the rule here would be women of course. lol...

Heres to you!!! Cheers!!!

You guys gotta record a new STREETHEART album... Yes, I am still a dreamer...

Walt said...

Great show last night in Regina Jeff. I really enjoyed it. I did notice that Blair was not in the line-up. Is he still with the band?

DontLetHerLeaveYou KS&S said...

Jeff Mom said that the show was wiked and awsome like it allways is Where did Blair go he wasent there she said ?,, Got awsome pics of you ill send some of them your wasy ROCK ON FoREVER Getter berter if not already lol mom said thx for signing the Danceing with danger shirt for us ...


Kimba said...

Jeff..I giggled (yes at my age I still giggle) while I read this. How true is all of it. It did wonder what if one of the world champion dart players (not even sure if there is such a thing) was found to be doing steriods....that may be a shock. I am still not sure that darts are a real sport though. I mean if you can drink beer while doing it is it really a sport? LOL Which then got me thinking that maybe their idea of performancing enhancing drugs may just be non-alcoholic beer.
No need to comment on my comment.I just thought I would add my 2 cents...LOL