Friday, January 9, 2009

Jeff Friday Jan.09/09

Hey out there,
OK, catching up on the New Year and I have been answering your emails all morning while continuing to do battle with this evil cold virus that I have. We did have a couple of great shows last weekend in Red Deer (thanks for breakfast Larry) and the Deerfoot Casino in Calgary plus a terrific New Years Eve show in Regina at the Casino there which is always a blast. Great staff (thanks Karen) and kudos to Edgar and all the boys for a production job well done as usual. Hey Edgar hope your eye is feeling better and that your health gets back to normal real soon (ps, thanks for the spare Strat!). 
Yeah...the new Hits/Anthology CD is doing great and it's nice to finally have a good package of all the best Streetheart material for our fantastic fans. Bless you all for your patience and sorry it took so long but hey, I got stuff goin' on! To all those patient Witness fans my apologies on the delay of the Witness CD but it is a business protocol issue at the moment and that needs to be dealt with appropriately and respectfully so, I'll keep you posted but again, my apologies. If I could, I would hand deliver one to each of you and in a utopian state that would be the case but, this is reality so...hang in there kids.
Moving on now...I promised some of you this past weekend (don't worry, I remember you!) that I would keep up with the blog so I am here on that promise even though, I am currently sick, swamped with Streetheart biz and have been up since 6:30am (am I bitchin'?) trying to catch up. I have no idea when I am going to be working on the songwriter part of life which is what I do for a living, allegedly. lol. Actually I am starting on a new project that I am pretty excited about that requires my producing experience (basically that just means being bossy... which apparently comes quite naturally (again, supposed to be funny); see Aries profile) so, I'll just find time and make it all happen. Just glad I don't have a Jack Russel Terrier (or twins...).  Happy to see the rain back in Vancouver again as sometimes that snow thang and Vancouver drivers (not all of you, just that guy in the other lane) create a dangerous mix. Not me however, being a good Northern Ontario boy and all. I mean, we had snow 6 months of the year when I was a kid and we used to have to walk 5 miles to school, carrying a 78 pound sack, uphill, with no shoes, in a blizzard... OK, a little exaggerated yes, but I'm currently having a hypo-glycemic dip and need some food so, that's it for now and we'll see you next time for another exciting and lurid episode of "Who Wants to Be A Rockstar Anyway?" LMAO.
Peace Out,

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