Monday, February 1, 2010

Jeff Monday Feb.01/10

Hey Out There,
Just been asked by Darryl C. about tickets for our show at the Commodore in Vancouver on the 24th of Feb. As a rule, we have very little to do with the marketing and distribution of tickets for shows. That is usually the exclusive domain and responsibility of the promoter. So Darryl, sorry bro' I don't have a good answer for you outside of check the Commodore website on this. I am fairly flat out with other Streetheart business at the moment. I'm trying to find some good deals on airline flights... However, if I get any info that could help you I will let you know.
I'm currently on the net listening to Q107 in Calgary AB as I am writing this. It's the morning show DJ'ed (is that a word?) by our friends Terry Dimonte and Patti MacNeil. They are playing Paradise Skies at the moment. One of my personal favs. Killer solo. Kim Mitchell is such a cool guitarist... I'll probably slide over to CITI FM in Winnipeg later. BTW, thanks to CITI and Q107 for getting behind Kenny's single (Black is Black) right out of the box. Keep requesting it out there my friends! Two great Classic Rock stations and both have been so good to us over the years. We are lucky that our music is played so consistently and is always available on the airwaves (and internet) for our fans. I have a lot of compassion for newer bands wondering how they will keep their music going in years to come... Oh yeah, right, they have the Internet, You Tube, Facebook as well as the radio and apparently, video killed the radio star anyways... Not so worried as I know that the great artists and great music always find a way to the people and smart, industrious men and women will always figure out how to get that great music to the fans. Speaking of that lofty and oft times elusive concept, I'd better go back to my hat rack and try on something else on for a while...
Oh yes, one more thing. Guys, don't forget Valentines Day on the 14th. Wanna play golf and drink beer with your chums later on this summer? Then don't forget about her and start thinking about it right now. Trust me... LMAO.
Rock on kids,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jeff,
Thanks, we finally found it on ticketmaster under Manitoba homecoming.
Thanks and see you there,
Darryl C.