Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jeff Sunday Dec.14/08

Hey out there...Yes, it's been a while but it's not like I haven't had anything to do...The Greatest Hits/Anthology CD is finally done and I am now working on some retail distribution solutions for those of you who can't get out to a show and get a copy or don't have access to online purchasing. That is going to take some time but hopefully it'll be sooner than later. The disc has been very well received so far and we thank you all for that. We are very proud of what we've accomplished with this and it is the set we've always wanted for our fans. You're the best and we've tried to give a bit of that love back with this collection. You have all given us an amazing ride and it's been a lot longer than I would have ever thought possible! 2009 is right around the corner and things look really great (read busy) for the New Year already. I anticipate lots of travel and even more shows than ever for us in the coming year especially this summer. All the boys are in good spirits and I am grateful to continue to work with such a good bunch of blokes. This rock and roll thang is still pretty cool and personally I give thanks everyday for my good fortune. Of course, there are those overwhelming days but hey, everybody got stuff goin' on...that's life I guess. All in all I know I am a very lucky man.
Christmas has kinda snuck up on me and I find myself more stressed than usual with life and it's responsibilities and I am working hard to find some Christmas spirit. Not that I am whining here, it's just that I wish I could shut things down inside my own head for a while and truly feel relaxed inside of myself...hang on, I gotta grab the phone. It's my lawyer...(no, I'm not in trouble I am just asking some business questions that I need to understand by tomorrow morning). 
Hey, I played golf last week and that was a very cool thing to do this time of year. The upside of living on the West Coast I guess. I wonder if anybody was a Wreck Beach?(that's Vancouver's notoriously famous nude beach BTW, supposed to be funny) Anyways, just a few lines to say I am alive and well and I when I look back on the past year I am grateful for it all. Bless all of you, peace, love and understanding and I promise we'll be out there bustin' it every show in 2009...oops, that's the phone again. J.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jeff Tuesday Sept.09/08

Hey, What's Up?
Yeah, it's been a while since I have had the luxury of time for anything other than work lately and it seems that I am always trying to catch up and take care of 1000 various things. I need an assistant... 
Hope you all had a great summer. We were very fortunate this year to do a lot of very cool shows and I can't think of one flat night for the band. Thank you everybody who came out and supported us over the last few months and a big ass shout out to all the promoters and the production crews for their hard work as well. We did an awful lot of travelling from coast to coast and all points in between...sounds like a ZZ Top song (I think it's Jesus Just Left Chicago...). 
The new Streetheart Greatest Hits/Anthology CD is done. We will now wait for the first copies to be pressed and shipped. It has been a long process but it will be worth it. It looks great and the material is of course great. That's because a lot of it was chosen by you through your requests and through your poll selections. Thanks for your help on that! Now that's done I'll take on the next order of business which is, wash my dirty gig laundry (kidding) update the website a bit and finish Kenny's long overdue solo CD (crossing fingers now). Just so you know, Kenny has put together a very cool Witness Inc. compilation that is available at all of our shows now so, if you remember and were a fan of Witness Inc. and would like to own a copy of all their songs (singles and B/sides) in one nice CD set, this is it. 
For my golf buddies out there... I haven't played golf in 4 months! (so much for getting down to scratch this year. I secretly want to play Tom Cochrane for money you which is a drag but it says how busy it has been for the band which is good...sort of. I'd better start practicing again.
FYI, I am hoping to record and shoot some live shows as well this year or early next year since a lot of you have been asking about the possibility of a live DVD. It is a good idea. We have some opportunities to film coming up so we'll see how that works out. 
BTW, if you are interested, I submitted a music spot for the CBC Hockey Anthem Challenge if you wanna check it out. Just go to CBC Anthem Challenge and Type in my name in the search engine. I just felt I should at least put something in. It's kinda like buying a lottery ticket however. You don't really have a hope in hell but I guess that's better than no chance at all. I have heard some good spots up there but who knows what they'll choose. Anyways, if you have some time...OK you kids, I gotta go and work in my basement a bit if I am ever going to get that recording studio built. Bless you all and say a prayer for me to find time to get out on the links...haha. Later.J.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Jeff Tuesday July 22/08

Wow, what a weekend. Thursday morning, up at 6:30am, get on a plane, fly to Calgary, get in a rental van, drive to Red Deer, play a fabulous show to wonderful fans, talk to a whole bunch of people, sleep for a few minutes, get up again at 6:30 am , drive to Calgary, drop off van, get on a plane, fly to Castlegar, rent two more Suv's, drive through the mountains to Nakusp, play another killer show to another great crowd on Friday night, see my cousins for a minute (love you all so much!!!), have a drink and a chin wag with our friends Willi Jahnke, Michele Williams and Susan Mackie from the Nakusp Music Fest (what a first class event they put on!), go back to the hotel, sleep for a few more seconds, get up at 7:00am (yee-haw, sleeping in!) drive back to Castlegar, drop off Suv's, fly back to Calgary, pick up van again, check into hotel, make all the arrangements for a very special surprise show for our friends Russ and Delaine Fisher (bless you both for the most wonderful and touching evening. Your family and friends are very special people and thank you for sharing your celebration of life with us!). Rock Russ and Delaine's place and hang out with everybody till late, drive back to the hotel, run into our friends the Headpins at the hotel and talk trash for a bit and finally crash out early in the morning, get up, have some breakfast at the local truckstop, pack up the van, drive back to the airport and fly home in time to meet the Sunday rush hour traffic in Vancouver and almost get crushed by a Smithrite truck, and finally, stumble in to my house around 6:00pm Sunday night a battered but a better man for all that I experienced over the weekend. Thanks to everybody and to all the techs and crews (Geoff, Jeff, Two Dogs, Brandon and the rest of you hard working bro's) for making this past weekend so wonderfully crazy!!!!! It was so cool to see you all again, the band had a fantastic time, we played great and were inspired every night as usual. God, we are a lucky bunch...J. 

Friday, July 11, 2008

Jeff Friday July 11/08

Hey Electroman...the Greatest Hits/Anthology CD will be out by the end of the month. We are nearly done and are now into the actual production of the the discs as well as finalizing all the artwork. Kenny is also releasing a Witness Inc. compilation which I believe is basically ready and we'll finish his solo CD off right after our busy summer schedule slows down a bit. We are off to Lethbridge tomorrow to do a show with Honeymoon Suite and I just finished negotiations for the 31st of July in St. John's NFLD at the George Street Festival which will be huge fun. Glad I'm not walking (that was supposed to be funny. You see, I live in Vancouver and, uh...never mind). I just finished a radio interview for Lethbridge which explains why I am up this early so I'd better go make some coffee now and get to work before I fly out tomorrow. Hope you all have a great weekend ... J.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jeff Wednesday July 09/08

Hey, what's up...just a few ticks of the keyboard between business calls to say hi and get you up to date. We played in Peterborough two weeks ago and had a fantastic show. It was so well run and the people made us feel very welcome and it didn't even thunderstorm as predicted. I don't remember Peterborough being so nice but hats off to the city coucil for re-invigorating the city. Very nice...oh yeah, Saskatoon at the Dakota Dunes was also fab and the staff was again terrific and hats off to Bob and all the boys doing the production there. Job well done. Of course the band was smokin' as per usual and Kenny is really starting to get good at this singing thing. I think he could make a career out of this if he The weather is beautiful here on the West Coast finally and the ridiculously high cost of living out here even makes some sense when it is this nice. So yeah, just looking at a few more shows for the end of the month on the East coast that are close to being a done deal. I'll keep you posted on that. We don't get back East enough so we are looking forward to that coming together. Wonderfully generous and kind people back there. We are off to LA this week...(that's Lethbridge, Alberta) to do a show with our friends Honeymoon Suite who we haven't seen for a while and that should be a real good show for you kids in the neighbourhood. OK, that's it for now, I gotta do some biz but I'll be back, I up your barbeques!!!!!!!!! L8r, J.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jeff Thursday June 26/08

Just a quick note and check in as I am getting ready to fly to Ontario to do some shows back east this weekend. I've been working on liner notes/credits and practicing this week. You know, I am apparently in the business of being really good so, I have to work at that all the time... lol. It does not come as naturally to me as it does to some other players that I know so practice, practice for Jeff! Other than getting ready for the weekend, all is good and basically normal today, slightly stressful but all in all manageable. Have a great weekend y'all and I'll talk to you when I get back...J.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Jeff Monday June 23/08

OK, Let me tell you out there that life has been very busy lately as in the last few months with the new Greatest Hits/Anthology CD, which is pretty much done and just needs to be pushed over the finish line now. It is a long and patient procedure which I won't bore you with details but between that and setting up our summer touring schedule there has been little time for extra things like keeping up on the blog because to be honest with you after working the phones all day and doing the business I sometimes look for an end to the day and sometimes things get let go. I have a lot on my plate everyday as so many of you do, so I know you appreciate the burn factor. Alright... enough of that. I am just making a quick entry to let you know I am out here as I have been getting grief from some of not blogging. You know I am a golf fanatic and I haven't even picked up my clubs for over a you KNOW that I'm busy. I'll try to keep up a bit better now that some of my bigger projects are getting completed and the summer schedule and all that related biz is getting finalized. I always enjoy your comments and interest plus I consider you all important friends so keep at me! It is good that you are out there and I'm grateful for that. Anyways, hope you are enjoying the summer so far and again, sorry for the big gap in time but know that the band is in good spirits, we are very busy and playing killer so get out to a show and see us and if you have a moment please say HELLO!!!!!! L8r...J.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Jeff Good Friday Mar.21/08

Isn't today the first day of spring?I'm looking at my calendar and it says that was yesterday but, I did pay half price for it so, who know it's Good Friday and Easter is on Sunday so Happy Easter to you. I don't want to get into a religious thang here but when we were growing up the religious aspect of Easter was always something that we impatiently respected while most of our focus was on chocolate rabbits or they still make chocolate chickens? That was always kinda freaky to me. How did the chicken become an Easter icon? What role did the chicken play? As a matter of fact how in the heck did we get to eating chocolate animals as a way to celebrate a story of death and resurrection? I think I missed something along the way. Perhaps I shoulda listened a bit more in Sunday school. Again, I'm trying to be funny here and not trying to offend anyone although some of those who represent our spiritual freedoms and beliefs have done some pretty offensive stuff for people who call themselves men/women of faith and goodness. Talk about having faith, try playing and making a living in a rock band! That requires a leap of faith that would make Evel Knievel check his tire pressure. lol. Truthfully, I can't complain and anybody who knows me knows that I am good and grateful for everything in my life. 
Speaking of gratitude, a couple of shouts...We played in Winnipeg last Friday as part of the Brier National Tournament at the Convention Centre and I gotta say it was great and of course a complete sell-out at 5,500 people with another 2,000 or so turned away. Thanks to Roger Powell and his staff for a great job and making everything run smoothly for us and to the guys at All Star Productions, thank you all. Nice job boys. We (Streetheart) look forward to working together with all of you again soon. I thought that Kenny was great on the night. He sang particularly well and I thought the whole band was tight and strong. Gotta thank Daryl for the pre-gig huddle and getting our game focus clear. We do have the best fans. It makes things so easy when everyone is so supportive and willing to have a good time with us. It makes each gig special and when it's all said and done I'll have these great memories to look back on. Thanks for letting this slab of meat have such an amazing life experience... 
Thanks to Kevin Ferris for finding a typo on our website. It was small but he found it buried deep in the discography. Hey Kev, don't you sleep? haha. Thanks for the heads up. Gotta be right with the facts ya know. I think I just got some numbers mixed up along the way because I talked to Daryl and he gave me the correct info so... it's all fixed now!!!!
I want to thank you all (SXFD42, Miss Barb, Electroman and the rest of you) for the the input so far on our Greatest hits CD and things are moving along steadily but without the record label machine it is tougher pushing this thing forward although less stressful in some aspects. I appreciate your candor and wishes in regards to songs and most of you are spot on and thinking the same as we are already. HEY GINA!!! it was so nice to hear from you again. I never had a chance to thank you for the wonderful photos you sent to me 2 springs ago. I was moving at that time and had your return address (yeah,yeah) but have looked high and low for it without success. Please send me a return address to our web address so I can thank you personally for your great photos. I hope all is well with you and your family and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Loudmouth, good song choices and yes, I want to see a bit of everything on this Cd as well. We'll do our best bro'. Looking forward to going down east this summer and I am hoping to put some more shows together and touch base with more of our longtime fans out there. Ok Keith, do you remember Virginia Ovals? tic, tic,tic...To the rest of you out there Virginia Ovals was not the girl of our dreams (for me that was Lenora Kroeker), it is what we used to refer to the flattened out, hidden in your back pocket, cigarettes know, the cigarettes and girls thing (reference my bio here).I think they were probably MacDonald's Menthol or Rothman's...this is making me laugh out loud again. What a time we had as kids!
Well, it's after 9:00am now and I have to tackle some business if everybody isn't too busy eating them chocolate farm animals...ok, where are those bunny  J.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jeff Tuesday Mar.04/08

Hey out there,
Thought that I would get up a little early before the rush of the business day starts and write a bit.I have finally knocked down the licensing rights for our old material for our Greatest Hits CD so now we are truly in business.Now it's just about graphics,artwork and content.If you have any ideas about what you'd like to see or read about let me know.Your input is important to me and is part of my creative process so if are so inclined I am currently accepting all ideas but hurry kids,this is a limited time offer and will not be repeated...
I'd like to address some of the comments from the last post.Thanks to you who took some time.It is always great to know you are there.It doesn't have to be much,a hello is good but anyways... Rob,hey it's been a long time!Thanks for the inspiring words and I hope all is good in your life.You never know sometimes if your thoughts and /or ideas are connecting with anyone or even making any sense so to have you say the things you did makes me realize once again, how important our actions and words are.You can't just say things with impunity.All things matter and I try to(as I am reminded constantly that what we do has cause and effect)conduct myself as though everything has consequences...within reason here of course.I don't mull over whether having chicken salad for lunch will affect the universal balance.Common sense is always the guide... but Rob,I appreciate what you have said and yes it is great to still be making music with Kenny and doing great shows that still pack considerable punch.Not bad for a band that has been together for 30, thats a long time.I hope we get to hook up again in the near future Rob.All the best.
Yeah,E...why doesn't Streetheart want to record a new album.Just so we are clear.I want to record another Streetheart album and I'd start tomorrow if we could.You have to understand here that it isn't that easy getting all sides together and then managing successfully everyone's agenda's.You have 5 grown up(within reason)men who have pretty much formed their own perspective and outlook on life and that needs to be respected.I didn't say agree with, I said respected. I think that is the key factor here.We've all grown up differently so in order for this to work we would need to find a connecting thread.In the early days that thread was easier to find.Passion for music,the desire to be great,money,girls,cars,sex...younger men's overt dreams. OK,so I've never really grown up but that's besides the point here is that the only way we'll be able to record another Streetheart album/CD or whatever you want to call it,is when everybody wants to be in the same room with each other because the music matters enough to appreciate what each guy does and even what he represents to our own personal history and that the sum total, upside and downside, is accepted and respected.I truly hope we get there soon.By asking you are doing your part here E. It is something I want as much as you do.
Speaking of personal history,I want to talk about and directly to an old friend.You have probably read my bio,if you're reading this,and many of you ask me about that girls and cigarettes thang...When I was very young,around 11 years old, I met another kid named Keith Murch.He was 2 years older than me which made him extremely cool and worldly to start with but most importantly Keith played guitar.I'm not talking about some kid chopping out bad versions of Gloria here I am talking about a real player at 13.I was so impressed because he was better than me by a long shot.You see, Keith came from a family of great guitarists.His Dad, Doug was a highly respected jazz guitarist and was even a close friends with Chet Atkins!(I remember the photos) and his older brother Glen(was that Glen or Glenn?Sorry Keith,time you know. lol) was playing in a rock band(The Four of Us) that was actually doing gigs and from my impressionable, adolescent perspective were already famous! This story is long as is my memory and too much to tell all of today but very briefly Keith was that friend/that rock buddy who influenced the foundations of my musical life.We were John and Paul.Because of his skill I learned early to expect the best of myself and everyone(sometimes to their untimely musical demise) I played with.That friendship,as it turns out, is one of the most important cornerstones that I have built my career on.When I went to Keith's website and saw him again and photos of his family,playing music and living life well,I hope you all have people in your memories that make you feel like I feel about my friend.Keith,I could still pick you out of a crowd and when I saw that old photo of you and Glen...Wow that is like yesterday for me... and wasn't that a Harmony Rocket you were playing?As I said, there is too much to tell about this part of my life in one sitting, so more stories to unfold for you at a later time if you'd like and besides, I hear my train a comin' and it sounds like my agent...Peace out there. J.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jeff Sunday Feb.24/08

Happy Sunday out there,
I just got off the phone after my usual Sunday morning call back to Ontario to my folks which at this point in life I am so grateful for since many of my friends have lost a parent or both and they don't have that simple luxury.My Mom and Dad are in good health in general and I am grateful for that.I am thankful that I have a good relationship with them.Love your parents and TELL THEM you love them before it's too late because one day you won't have that option and I have seen too many of my friends with this heap of unresolved issues that just seems to add extra and unnecessary weight to their lives.As a matter of fact let everybody that you know or care about that they matter to you.Don't hold back,especially when it's good.Throw it out there as much as you can and I guarantee you will live a happier,more serene life.I have learned to appreciate all that I have much more now and I enjoy all the moments as they happen.It's why I am always having fun at our shows.I know that it doesn't last forever but being in the moment and really taking in what is happening creates this long lasting memory.In the end that is what we are left with so make it good.Listen to people and learn.Listen to the ones who are sorry, who wish they would have"done things differently" is a one way street moving forward for us all and there is no redo so get it as close as you can as it flies by my friends.I hope that many years from now I will look back on this forthcoming year and remember the great times I had doing what I loved and how blessed my life has been.That is why when you see me this year I will be playing and living my life to the absolute fullest and jamming in as much experience and living as I can into each minute.It is why I am always so happy to see all of you everytime. There is so much turmoil out there and I want to be one of the people who does their bit to alleviate some of that accumulated stress in the world.I watch the news and it all seems dire to the point of terror but in fact we need to arm ourselves with the truth,get a grasp on our own reality and go about the business of contributing to our world fearlessly,without an agenda other than to bring,as the great Bob Marley said,positive vibrations.OK,we're allowed be grumpy too from time to time,just don't hold others to blame during that temporary unhappiness.
Yeah,let's answer some of your questions.Miss Barb you were wondering how bands promote themselves nowadays?I assume you are talking about bands that have been established here so...They do what we do which is tour and they find ways to actually connect with their fans so they get a true perspective of where they are at.You build and grow relationships within your industry, you acknowledge all contributions and surround your business with integrity and excellence.There is no way to" insure" that your music is heard on the radio but you can always improve your chances by showing respect and appreciation for the many people that you meet and ultimately need in order to get that radio exposure and reconnect with the true fans and as you say,hopefully reach some new ones along the way.
Walt was asking about managing in todays world.That is a very good question and there is a lot of dialog here but I'll touch on it a bit.We basically take care of ourselves and like most people have always had that ability but when we were younger couldn't be this sounding like the familiar path of youth?Well,after years of allowing people and situations to get the better of me I,for once and for all said f**k it,I can do a better job than these criminals as long as I don't fear the work which I don't,I have a vision,am very motivated and I've had enough of other peoples bulls**t ideas of how to do things which never seem to work out other than as some late night booze fueled ranting.You gotta be there at 7:45am Monday morning bro'.My negative experiences always show me clearly what NOT to do.I also have certain people that inspire and motivate me.The ones I love of course and the men and women in my industry that I respect and consult with.I also draw from our fans.They always have the clearest knowledge of what they want and would like.Know this,I need you to say whatever you want to me be it good or bad anytime as I welcome it all.So,never stop helping me out here.I'm always open.This is too involved for just one post so more at another time... 
Hey,Thanks Mariha to you and your Mom for the photos again.I hope to post some on our site when I get together with my web guy in March(he's in Winnipeg).
Finally,hi Spunky!Thank you for the inspiring words.I am glad that we can make your day better when you need it.I know how life can be.You are not alone.We all got stuff and I play the music I love when I need to get to a better place.I'm honored that we can be that remedy for you.I look forward to seeing you and your daughter in Red Deer in July and yes it is nice to be able to play family venues from time to time.We get lots of kids out at our shows when we do and they always have a great time and I love their energy and enthusism for life.Makes you feel like you'll live forever,sorta like this post...Thats it kids.I'm going for breakfast.Have a great week and we'll talk later...J.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jeff Sunday Feb.17/08

Wow,what a weekend.For those of you at the Regina show,thanks for coming out and rockin' the house.We had a great time although there were a few technical glitches before the show but thanks to some amazing people(that would be you Edgar for bringing in the Marshall amp,you saved the day bro')we got things happening and had a terrific night in spite of it all. Mariha,you can thank your Mom for getting the DWD shirt signed.It is always a pleasure to do that stuff for you as you and your Mom(hey Nora)have always been such great and loyal fans and I look forward to seeing the photos from the show.
A couple of you were wondering where Blair is.He has accepted a full time job with a major architechtural firm in Winnipeg involved in constructing the new Winnipeg airport terminal (Blair is a very gifted and multi-talented artist BTW) and has been busy with that so we have brought in our friend and monster bass player Bruce"Jake" Jacobs to sit in the bass chair for the current time.Bruce is a total pro and one of the most in demand players in Winnipeg so we are fortunate indeed to have someone of his calibre step in and be doing such a great job because as most of you know,the bass playing part of Streetheart has always been extremely important and note intensive with the bar set to a very high standard.
Oh yeah,Kerryy I believe "the cocoa wheel" that Ace Frehley was refering to in his version of DWD was cocoa as in cocaine and believe me that can be a damn nasty wheel to be turning or get caught up in.Please refer to my last blog on this... Yes,Electroman,I agree that if you MUST have a vice then girls are a pretty good and generally survivable choice(I said generally).I know a little about this,glad you had fun at the show.I'll be working on the Greatest Hits CD this week. The labels have been pretty relaxed about it all from my perspective but I am,of course as you well know,impatient...or is that I just need a little breakfast?Now that's a good idea!See you later...J.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Jeff Thursday Feb.14/08

Happy Valentines Day(Hey guys,don't forget your sweethearts or you'll pay dearly!lol)
I have been following this Roger Clemens/steroid,performance enhancement drug story a bit that pretty much involves many more people than the story even you think The Rocket took steroids?...uhh,he does look kinda bigger(maybe he's a shape shifter) and he has been hangin' out with that Barry Bonds guy a little more lately.Anyways,what a bunch of crap. Of course they're on drugs.I mean,come on... how arrogant of those atheletes to think that it doesn't obviously show...what?do you think we just fell off the turnip truck?
Anyways,it got me to thinking,in an offbeat kinda way...what if they did retroactive mandatory drug testing in rock and roll,maybe a commitee headed by say...Keith Richards?Now THAT'S funny.Imagine if they took away all the gold and platinum records and Hall of Fame eligibiliy, Grammies,etc. if you were on drugs during the time you made those records?That hall would be a dark,empty place except for maybe...The Osmonds(no,I take that back.I'm sure they were whacked on some family doctor endorsed diet pills or doesn't the sports industry just accept the rock and roll philosophy.It's your body and your life.If you choose to abuse yourself with booze and drugs in excess go right ahead,just as long as you can make the gig!I,of course,have my tongue firmly planted in my cheek here.Excess doesn't work kids.I've seen the down side and it's final sad destination.The truth is,there are probably less drugs in rock(if you're over 25)than in sports today.We're just not hypocritical enough to be falsely outraged(they did what!!!)when we find out our heroes were totally fried whilst creating their musical masterpieces to the point,in some cases,with little or no memory left of the event.I, however,remember every single thing that I have ever done...which in itself isn't always good. There are some things/people I'd pay big money to forget!,just some bent thoughts acting as light relief for today.It just seems to be an inordinate amount of taxpayers money spent covering a story about a few jacked up arrogant,multi-billion dollar baseball players who just happen to be cheaters and liars and worst of all think we don't see.Money doesn't make you smart.Oh yeah,just so know,I'll be having a shot of scotch before the show tomorrow and most likely 1 or 2 beers during the performance,which I am sure will be less than anybody else in the audience... lol.See you soon and HEY!,don't drink and drive ok?Later...J.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Jeff later Monday Feb.11/08

Hey Mr.Plaza Suite...
Yeah,I knew about that cover.Those guys must owe me some,I have never even heard that version.Is it on a site somewhere to hear I wonder?I'm going looking...let me know if you find it as well.OK,we'll try and find a spot for an album track or two at the Winnipeg show. We got a lotta hits we have to play you's over's over now...J.

Jeff Monday Feb.11/08

OK... It's Q&A Time,
First of all,thanks everybody for logging on.I am pleased to get your feedback and will always try to make time to address all of your questions.Kevin was asking how did Streetheart hear about me in regards to replacing John Hannah.Well,Kevin,I already knew the guys well enough and usually everytime I saw them I was asking when John was leaving the band and when do I start...(that was supposed to be funny)...Some of you may know this already but Herb Ego was my brother in law at that time(that's now ancient history BTW)so we used to see each other quite a bit at family gatherings,etc and we always talked shop. Herb knew that I was happening and John was slowly being dragged down by life and stuff so when he got too sick to play anymore I was ready to go but still had to negotiate the audition part of it all as the band and the record company had their own ideas about replacements but you know,I just fit in especially after I killed all the other guitarists waiting to audition.(Once again,trying to be funny).Seriously,I knew some of the other guys trying out and they were all very talented so I am grateful to have been the nod for the job.They made the right choice as it turns we are! Anyways Kevin,a little Coles notelike but fairly accurate in the information.Next time I see you I'll fill in any other blanks for you ok?Thanks Kimba for the condolences,yes it was a great show in Calgary,but Calgary is ALWAYS fun.Great to hear from you too Miss Barb,we hope to get to your part of the world soon and Mariha,we'll see you in Regina I am guessing and finally electroman,I don't think we'll be in Gerald this year as the April Wino's will be headlining that but I hope you have a good time nonetheless.I am sure Myles and the boys will be great. So,that's it for now,I'm digging the new iMac.It's so much easier and faster to keep up with all of you.Stay cool and we'll see you soon.J.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Jeff Friday Feb.08/08

Hey out there,
Friday 1:00pm and I am waiting at home for my tech to show up and fix a few computer issues that I can't deal with myself.Hopefully by the end of today everything will be sorted out and I can get back at what I am supposed to be doing other than waiting...boring.Hope you are good out there.I am still dragging my ass a bit with this virus.It seems to want to hang around and make the whole month of February a sick and dreary memory.However,too much to do to complain.I need to get started with reno's in my basement soon as I am building a recording studio there.I'm building a place to work out of that is in my home you know,efficiency and all that...Things are pretty quiet in the Streetheart world today.I have just been tying up a few loose ends for our Regina show on the 15th. of Feb.and waiting to hear back from EMI in regards to business with our back catalogue/Greatest Hits CD but it seems that perhaps some of those at EMI must be on holidays or something like that. Nobody is in a hurry to do anything today so I'll give in to it all and relax a bit...Have a good weekend kids and I'll get back to you soon,there's my tech at the door now,gotta go...J.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Jeff Monday Feb.04/08

Good morning everybody...I have been so sick this week with the flu.I guess it was all that travelling and flying.You know how it is on planes,you end up breathing the same air as that sick,hacking person in 12B and voila...a week of sweat,fever and 3 boxes of tissues.Well today is about as good as I have felt for a week so I am grateful to be did have a couple of fantastic shows last week in Alberta so,a nice start to the year.As you can see by our tour sched we are not super busy this time of the year(only refering to playing of course he says with a huge to do list in front of his face!) but we do have some cool(is that a reference to curling?) events in Regina and Wpg. coming up,if you happen to be in the area that the tour page on our site for updates as they happen. I've been doing legal stuff for the Greatest Hits record which is moving along well enough albeit a little too slow for me personally but that is how life works sometimes.A little grace in the face of frustration goes a long way when learning how to manage those subtle complexities of ours lives...blah,blah,blah.Anyways it's all good at present,hope you are well out there and thanks for connecting with us here and on our website.We are lucky to have you on board as always... So,sit back,relax and we hope you enjoy the flight.I have to go get the drink cart ready and get a surgical mask for that guy in 12B...J. 

Friday, February 1, 2008

Jeff Friday Feb.01/08

Thought that I'd test my new iMac today as the old G3 just made things too hard(read frustrating) to keep up with regarding the blog and access the more contemporary and cool things out on the web.How quickly technology moves.Kind of like life!So,I am just doing a little test to see if anyone is still out there and is interested enough to respond.I have so much to do with the band on a daily basis now that I rarely get time,check that, make time for this lately so let me know if it matters to you.I have had a few of you at the website wondering what has been up.I am ok ,just very busy right now with the Streetheart Greatest hits ,Kenny's CD and of course booking shows for this year.What,you say,no social life?So far things all is looking good and I anticipate a great year ahead for us.Let me know what's up with you...I love this iMac,which along with the Mac Pro makes this my 7th. or 8th. Mac I think since the 80's.I appreciate the connectivity and mass popularity of PC's but this is one sexy computer.Just what a guy like me needs...see you later.Nice to be back.J.