Thursday, July 26, 2007

Jeff Thursday July 26/07

Summertime...And the living is easy...well maybe easy but still,certainly very busy.We just got off the road after a couple of great shows in North Battleford and Edmonton at the Grand Prix this past weekend.Thanks to everyone who came out to the shows and helped us share some great nights.This summer has been good to us again and we will remain busy until September when I hope to get time to get back to and finish off the other Streetheart projects like recording and the process of that missing back catalogue.It requires a lot of work and it seems that once our summer schedule gets underway there is little time for anything else outside of recovering from the weekend madness(and I thank all you out there for your part in all that usually includes huge quantities of catching up sleep.I mean why do you think we got into this rock and roll band thang?Here's a few of my last weekend highlights that are printable.Thursday morming...up at 5:30 am,ok... pack,shower and out the door into Vancouver rush hour at 6:30am to make the 8:00 am flight,barely.Give the finger to about 74 different drivers who appear to have just got their D.L.'s that morning,almost get a speeding ticket,twice and make it to the airport,fight the business mob for the exit row,grab a quick Tim's and get on the plane.Arrive in Edmonton at 11:30am after losing an hour stand in line at Budget and wait..............oh,here are your cars Mr.Neill.Drive 380 kms(in 2 hours 50 minutes) to Battleford set up,sound check,eat,shower,no sleep, practice, get ready....Daryl's keyboard the show and kick butt.Have a drink after the show,talk with a few fans,sign a few autographs and then sleep for a few hours.BOOM...up at 7:00am drive back to Edmonton(2 hours 30 minutes this time,thanks Pete)and check into hotel.Not much time to spare as we have an early show and I am left with 90 minutes to eat,sleep,work out and get ready. Hmmm....something has to go...let's see,I need to work out,practice and shower. These are the non-negotiable options.So,eat or sleep....mind ticking over...if I sleep now(this time being a total of 20 minutes) I can grab some food from backstage to protein me up just before the show(followed by a couple of shots of J&B for good luck. lol.) Play amazing show at the Grand Prix for wonderful,crazy fans,sweat like I just walked into a shower,sign a few auto's and head back to hotel just in time for the after show party and realize after a few cocktails that hey...I forgot to eat.Oh well there is always tomorrow.Wake up Saturday,get guys off to airport as I am staying in Edmonton with a couple of highschool friends so we can have our 2 day hangout,golf and not sleep much weekend.(A brief excerpt from our conversation...hey you f*^"*^g pr":*^k who used all of the f'">*^#g ice.)As you can see tons of fun and joyful,caring comraderie lol!So there I am Monday afternoon headed for the plane home,falling asleep in the lineup to board,run into Boink and the 5440 boys who are also on their way home,stumble onto the plane,nod off 5 or 6 times,help passenger who gets a pressure nosebleed,get to the Vancouver airport on time(wow),secure all of my luggage(thanks West Jet)drive home in the Monday rush hour which in Vancouver is similair to a chariot race in Rome at the Circus Maximus circa 10 A.D. and finally arrive home Monday evening in time to realize I have no food in the fridge...which is when I notice the bottle of J&B on the,how was your weekend?J.

1 comment:

DontLetHerLeaveYou KS&S said...

Hey Jeff Gald the concerts Rocked and sorry u dident sleep or eat .. (SO THATS WHY UR ABS ARE SO NICE ) From working out Keep that up and my weekend sucked Lol it has been crapy and sad everyone dieing on me... and dad and bro been total Weradows,,lol i wish i could have been there at the Edmonton Concerts but i have lots of Funerls to go to ... So yeah but we will be in Portage for sher and hopefuly Sasktoon too ... Lol Im very very sher that you guys rocked all the stages off the ground like you allways do lol (KEEP IT UP ) LOL good going with the finger job lol was the after party for Fan's or no ?. So is that J&B good LOl ???... well theres for me lol Bye
for now Jeff!!
Thanks for posting agina

love you rock on streetheart love mariha