Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Jeff Tuesday July 17/07

Yes I am alive as some of you may have been wondering...Let me tell you a story 'bout a man named Jeff...I spent the month of June with my Mom and Dad back in Ontario which was really good for my soul.I just hung out and worked around the house,you know,doing the things that are getting a little too tough for them to do.It's the least I can do after 18 years of free food and clothing and safety.I am fortunate to have had a good family to fall back on when I need it.Not to say we don't have our stuff but all in all I consider myself lucky.Anyways the only contact I had with the Streetheart world was my cell and the library computers!You know Mom's and Dad's of my generation are not usually computer friendly...they are still working out the TV remote lol.I tried to keep up with all the email(thanks everyone)but with the library police dragging me kicking and screaming off the computer after an hour so some sweet little old lady could "surf"" for deals on Florida holidays well...I need a laptop to travel with kids.Anybody got a spare Mac Pro I can have?lol.Really I am remedying the problem soon so good for us all!I did drive out to see my folks and the trip was beautiful mostly although the prairies are a little dull after 1500 kms or so.The up side of course is being able to get away with doing 135kph without getting ticketed.Don't try this at home kids...I'm a professional. Yeah right.
The summer has been going well and we have been busy travelling and trying to stay fed and rested during our little weekend warrior trips.It has been good to see lots of old friends out there(Hey Darryl)and I have of course been getting royal crap from you hardcores out there for being slack on the blog...Sorry I have pretty lazy.I am reasonably caught up with life now so I'll have some time to keep up.We are heading out to North Battleford this Thursday at the Casino for those of you in the area and the Grand Prix in Edmonton on Friday which should be fun.When I get home next week I'll get into some detail about our Streetheart summer so far.We have already had some very interesting gigs and events that I'll tell you about later so until then thanks as always for your support and sorry for being away for so long....J.



Hey Jeff .
Thanks for posting .. After 2 months..
So major change in lifestyle! It's good for the soul.. NOW YOU KNOW WHY US PRAIRIELANDERS ARE SUCH CRAZY HARDCORE ROCKERS/GROUPIES if there's still such a thing as groupies. There's nothing to see on the prairies but rock concerts. LOL But we do have our own kind of (MOUNTAINS)out here. Can't wait to here the rest. Great to have ya back. I think your the one that should try to stay out of trouble LOL. 135km! BAD BOY! whatcha gonna do when we come for you ... But!!!! you could really stand a few lessons from a real PRO. 163km. Now kids (DON"T) (DON"T) try that at home. It knocked 2 hrs. off the trip from Regina To Winnipeg. All just to see Je...oops! I mean Kenny. LOL. Just kidding I was there to see you all, and ya you guys pulled off a REALLY best ever show. Must have been the water LOL. Later but for sure not two months later LOL

mariha flutur said...

Hey Jeff

Thx for posting i hope you know what mom said about we have are own kind of MOUNTAINS ????? LOl
mom is a fast driver mabe we should take you on a leson or 2?? lol,,,...

thx agina Mariha

Electroman said...

Hey Jeff!!!!

Long time no hear... Thats great that the summer is going well. I think Saskatchewan has the greatest mountains in the world!!!!

Never Stop Rockin...


Electroman said...


I almost forgot... WIth all this talk about mountains... lol... Do you know if it will be possible for any of us to get tickets to the upcoming Regina show this September?


Never Stop Rockin...


Unknown said...

REALLY appreciate the updates. Been a HUGE fan since even before Streetheart EXISTED!!!
THis is my first blog EVER so I guess that makes me a "virgin blogger"; hey haven't been able to say that word about myself in roughly...25 yrs!!! OK I have an ulterier (I'm so messed up by the v word I no longer can spell) motive which is: I'm off to see a certain aunty for her 90th birthday in Sask. and want to take in concert in Saskatoon on Aug. 24 but not even that certain Auntie's son can tell me where to get tickets and so far internet search has proved pointless. Wonderin if PLEASE you might be able to help me out? Hope to meet you there.
Oh ya I live in Victoria; moved here 2 years ago to chill out for a few months and haven't been able to leave the ocean since. Yes you PRAIRIELANDERS I acually miss the wheat fields ect. so I VISIT ALOT.

Jackie Sh????/