Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jeff Wednesday Jan.12/11

Uhhh... we got our first snow of the year last night. It looks like slush this morning and I am hoping it all ends up down the storm drain by this afternoon. Still trying to fully shake this virus that I've had for over a month but, I'm not expecting a full recovery until I hit ths links at least once...
Looks like 2011 is going to another strong year for the band . We already have about a dozen shows in the can and more offers are coming through what seems like everyday. I'm always humbled by the success we are enjoying this far into our career... (thanks to you)
Ok, I am getting back into songwriter mode this year. Last year was so busy with business and Lizzy moving in and all that entailing upheaval, that I never had/made the time for any creativity at all. By December I realized that I was spiritually barren. I truly need to write and be creative all the time. It balances who I am and how I perceive myself in the universe and how I interract with people. I was becoming a ghost of my former self but I intend to right that slide. So, that being said, I am now sliding over to my music computer and work on some new tunes that I have started. I was going to say wish me luck but luck has very little to do with creativity. Hard work leads to inspirati0n and fulfillment and waiting for inspiration is a waste of your precious time...
Rock on friends.

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